Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Epub⋙: A History of Exercise Therapy: From Ancient to Modern Times by Alex Daulat

A History of Exercise Therapy: From Ancient to Modern Times by Alex Daulat

A History of Exercise Therapy: From Ancient to Modern Times

A History of Exercise Therapy: From Ancient to Modern Times by Alex Daulat PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Did you know that the Mesoamerican civilization used acupuncture? Or that Da Vinci discovered the eddy currents around the aortic valve? While these may seem like mere trivia, the truth is that even in the medical field, history matters. In fact, we still use some of ancient Egypt’s assessment and treatment techniques in physiotherapy and orthopedics today. Combining the history of various exercise methodologies, including yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Pilates, with current research and clinical experience, author and physiotherapist Alex Daulat provides a unique guide that builds on the past in order to find the best way forward. A specialist in musculoskeletal conditions, he offers special insight into exercise treatments that empower patients to self-manage their back pain. Mind-body medicine is not a new concept, but there are groundbreaking ways to combine exercise therapy with psychological techniques, and A History of Exercise Therapy not only educates you on past methods but also introduces you to an innovative model that addresses the issues of the present.

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